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  • Fixed bug where 'recover passwords' button did not resize properly after recovery is completed/cancelled.
  • Fixed bug where scan was being preformed on Live system regardless of which drive was selected.

    Decryption and Password Recovery, made a change so that the number of available GPUs is not checked until clicking on the tab (previously it would happen at OSF startup and could cause a crash if GPU drivers are out of date).This caused incorrect AES key and key length returned which caused the failure Fixed a failure to decrypt passwords due to unnecessary encoding/decoding operations of the keys when scanning Browsers passwords.This is to fix issues due to inconsistent data when scanning live system drives in Forensics Mode Now clearing file system cache before performing scan.Added an error message and retry option if Chrome local state file was locked (triggered if using Chrome to login into a site or switch profiles at the same time as running a scan in OSF).Added checkbox option to search for attachment filenames.Fixed crash when carving MFT records on disks without valid file systems.Fixed bug where if multiple folders/unallocated are added, the indexers fails to run.Devices, added support for BDE volumes with a clear key.


    Reporting, added a progress window when exporting report as a PDF.Reporting, increased PDF report generation timeout.Fixed some possible crashes that could occur.The export was incorrectly using fixed GUI list position index and not the internal list indexes Fixed bug with exporting SMS to CSV/Text where selected checked items were not being exported correctly.Fixed bug with exporting SMS to CSV/Text where Sent/Received field was displaying only received.Ffmpeg, fixed ffmpeg library error by re-arranging load order of DLLs (previously could display a “Failed to load library” error at OSForensics start-up).The TO, CC, and BCC fields were not cleared between emails

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    Fixed bug when exporting PST emails to list.Fixed possible crash when looking up carved files in hash set.It can be useful to disable thumbnails for reports with thousands of images otherwise they may not open correctly in a web browser Reports, added checkbox for case report dialog "Include thumbnails" to allow thumbnails to be enabled/disabled.Increased font sizes for better readability when exporting as PDF.Reports, added option to have a minimum font size when exporting report as PDF.Added a check to prevent user from adding VM to case if a case is not open.Fixed error booting MacOS image on VirtualBox for some systems.

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